EZFF EZ Flat Fan Quick Change Spray Nozzles

EZFF EZ Flat Fan Quick Change Spray Nozzles

EZFF Nozzles

Design Features:

  • Nozzles can be changed in seconds without tools
  • Three part nozzle, base, gasket and interchangeable tip
  • Exclusive ramped engagement for efficient, automatic alignment
  • Threaded adaptors willl accommodate other standard BETE nozzles. Shut-off plugs are also available
  • Sanitary EZs are available with weld connection and no knurling
Common Materials:
303, 316, Brass

Design characteristics

All nozzles are hydraulically driven and have one of two main design characteristics that generate the flat fan pattern.

  • Nozzles like the NF & BJ series manipulate the orifice by having a slit into the nozzle that guides the flow into a specific spray pattern. The spray angle of these slitted nozzles is determined both by the angle of the cut and the depth of the cut. The deeper and more narrow the cut, the wider the spray angle.
  • Other fan nozzles like the FF and SPN series use a deflection face to guide and form the fan pattern. The orifice passes the fluid, and a sloping face directs and generates the pattern. A longer and more narrow deflection face will produce a more narrow spray angle where a wider and short face will produce a wider pattern.
  • Flat fan nozzles are often times the most advantageous choice for conveyor belt applications. Whenever something is moving and has to be washed, wetted or coated, fan nozzles are often your best choice. Examples of this are conveyor belt cleaning, suppressing coal dust on a conveyor and coating molds with lubrication.
  • When a high impact force is necessary for either cleaning or other applications, a fan style nozzle may give you the most optimal results. The SPN series and narrow-angled NF nozzles will provide a large impact force while generating relatively low flow rates.

Spray angles

Most flat fan nozzles are able to achieve a wide variety of spray angles. BETE’s flat fan nozzles usually produce a spray angle from 120° to 0° with a multitude of options in between. Some special extra-wide flat fan nozzles like the FF series can produce angles as wide as 145°.

BETE_EZ Flat Fan Quick Change Spray Nozzles